New Delhi : There was nothing wrong in union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde's statement on "Hindu terror", his colleague V. Narayanasamy said Thursday while describing as unwarranted the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) protests on the issue.
"People who were arrested in the Malegaon incident and the Samjhauta Express blast were found to be members of some of the Hindu fundamentalist groups and it was in that context the home minister said this. I don't see any kind of objection to any part of his statement," Narayanasamy told reporters.
"Terrorism is terrorism; whether Hindu fundamentalism or Muslim fundamentalism, it is condemnable," he said even as the BJP pressed for Shinde's removal as home minister.
"Our country is a secular country and we are a secular government. We carry all religions together and what the home minister said was that we should not allow any terrorism in any part of the country," he said.
He said the BJP's nationwide protest was "unwarranted" and "unnecessary".
Shinde had said Sunday: "Whether it is the BJP or RSS, their training camps are promoting Hindu terrorism."
Congress general secretary Janardan Dwivedi had said Tuesday that it was a "slip of the tongue" by the home minister and the Congress did not believe in identifying terror with religion.