By TCN news,
Trivandrum: Demanding fundamental changes in the present education system of the state, the Kerala Education Congress concluded here on Sunday. An initiative for the intervention of students in educational policies, the congress, organised by Students Islamic Organization, became unique experience for the state.
Research methods intertwining science, technology and social science have to be evolved, said Dr. VN Rajasekharan Pillai, Vice Chairman of Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment, during the keynote address in the session “Research Education in Kerala: Tendencies and Differences”.

95 percentage of research studies are going on in colleges of the state. However, it is strange that 95% of funds towards higher education of the state are availed by the universities where only 5% of the studies are conducted. Graduate, post graduate and research programmes should be facilitated under one institution itself. He pointed out that allocation of fund towards research education in Kerala amounts less than one percentage of annual budgets. Dr. M. Shahin presided over the function.
The congress inaugurated by Honourable MP ET Mohammed Basheer was honoured by participation of JK THareen (former VC of Pondichery Central University), PK Abdul Azeez (former VC, Aligarh Muslim University) , Veeramanikandan (VC, Kerala UNivesity), T Arifali (Jamat’e Islami Ameer,Kerala) and other dignified guests. Academic sessions were held on various themes including ‘Curriculum: changes and developments’, ‘Inclusive Education’, ‘University governance’, ‘School Education’, ‘Religious Education in Kerala’, ‘Technological Education’, ‘Economic Dividend in Higher Education’ during the two-day conference.