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Jamia faculty wins IEEE MGA Larry K Wilson transnational award for 2013


By TCN News,

New Delhi:Dr. Mini Shaji Thomas, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia has won the IEEE MGA Larry K Wilson Transnational Award for 2013. The selection was made by the MGA Awards and Recognition Committee and approved by the IEEE MGA Board during its 23 November 2013 meeting.

She has been awarded for her “outstanding innovation and leadership in IEEE Member and student member development and engagement, global dissemination of the IEEE message, and collaboration across organizational units”.

Dr. Mini Shaji Thomas

The award also consists of a cash prize of US $ 1000 and a plaque.

Dr. Mini Shaji Thomas is very active in Professional societies and she is currently the Board Member of the IEEE EAB (Educational Activities Board), was a member of the IEEE PSPB (Publications Services and Products Board) and the Vice Chair of MGA Board of IEEE. Dr. Mini has earlier won the Outstanding PES chapter chair award in 2012, MGA innovation award in 2008, Outstanding PES chapter engineer award in 2008, Outstanding Volunteer award in 2005 and outstanding Branch counselor award in 2002, to name a few of the recognitions from IEEE.

Mini Shaji Thomas graduated from University of Kerala, completed her M. Tech from IIT Madras (both with gold medals) & PhD from IIT Delhi, India, all in Electrical Engineering. Presently Mini is the Central Public Information officer (CPIO) of Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), and Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JMI New Delhi. Mini was a faculty member at Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi (now DTU) and at the REC (now NIT, Calicut, Kerala) before joining Jamia.

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