By TCN News
London: Council of Indian Muslims- UK (CIM) has expressed “shock and deep sense of sorrow” on the meeting of its patron Lord Adam Patel with Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi.
Adam Patel who is on a visit to Gujarat recently met the chief minister and congratulated him on his recently election victory. “We had a good first meeting,” Times of India quoted Patel saying after meeting Modi. According to the same report Patel mmet Modi at his official residence in Gandhinagar. The meeting was arranged by Zafar Sareshwala.
On hearing of this news, CIM called an urgent meeting of its Executive Council where members expressed “disappointment, dismay and disbelief,” according to a statement issued today in London.
The EC agreed to wait until return of its patron from India to give him an opportunity to explain his position before making a decision.
Chairman of CIM Munaf Zeena who is to visit Gujarat soon is expected to meet Lord Adam Patel.