By Staff Reporter,
New Delhi: A delegation of Aadiwasi Kisan Punarvaas Ekta Manch (Tribal Framers’ Rehabilitation Unity Forum) met with the kin of Akhilesh, a youth who died in police custody after he was arrested from Amjhar on December 5, 2013, says the press release by the organization.
The kin of the slain, 27 year old youth shared their grief with the delegates of AKPEM and said that his death points out to the nexus between the police and government to cover up the investigation Akhilesh was doing to unearth the illegal business of scrap of diesel.
“He was definitely picked up from a relative’s home and this fact can be verified from the call which was made from the phone of police superintendent at 7:47 pm on December 6 from his phone number 09826861168. If the call details of SP could be fetched, we will be able to prove our claims,” Akhilesh’s father Bharat Lal Shah says.
He has also reiterated the demand of a CBI enquiry into the matter since “the enquiry being done by the retired High Court judge R P Tripathi is a farce.”
The kin of the slain youth have filed an FIR in the police station stating that the police actually went to Anjhar in search of Vijay Shah, Akhilesh’s cousin but instead picked up the latter. The kins also said that the police superintendent had assured Akhilesh’s family that he will be released soon.
When Akhilesh did not return by December 8, then his family registered a complaint to the Superintendent of Police, District Magistrate, Inspector General and Principal Secretary to the U.P. government about the same. Instead of helping, the SP Jaydevan arrested and thrashed Vijay’s younger brother Sanjay Shah.
AKPEM has urged the human right organizations nationwide to take up the issue of custodial killing of Akhilesh. PUCL has showed solidarity with this case and its chief Chitranjan Singh has demanded the police officers responsible for the killing of youth should be suspended from their services. Ex-MLA, Dr. Sunilam of Kisan Sangharsh Samiti said also extended his support on the issue and said the government should take the responsibility of the brutal killing.