By Shaik Zakeer Hussain,
Every time a bomb explodes in any part of this country, another one explodes in the hearts of Muslims. Not because all of us are involved in some sinister plot to blow up every trace of human race, who do not share our belief system and we fear being exposed with every exploding bomb. Far from it we know deep under that within a few minutes, the 'expert' analysts and media mavericks of this country, would have 'figured out' the reason and people behind it, which unfailingly would have to do with Muslims and Islam.
This time again, immediately following the aftermath of Thursday's bomb blast in Hyderabad, all fingers were pointed at the Indian Mujahideen. The Security agencies said that there was prior intelligence that the group had done a 'recce' of the city to this effect, leaving very little to think, as to who was responsible for the twin blasts. The only remaining work it seems, is to 'nab' the individuals behind it, which wouldn't be that difficult, given that Hyderabad according to Deccan Herald is "a terrorist hub since 1990".
How smoothly and effectively has the whole 'investigation' lead into a skewed direction is something that needs a serious thought. This despite, many cases of these so-called Indian Mujahideen 'masterminds' being acquitted of all charges; charges concocted against them by the police in alliance with the media.
Muslims in India are scared, for they don't know who the next victim of this continuing witch-hunt would be. This massive stereotyping and media savagery is something that they are not able to defend themselves from. What else can explain the concerns of the various civil rights and social advocacy groups, who are calling for a fair and unbiased investigation?
The night the blast went off, my cousin's eyes fell on a magazine, which had Afzal Guru's picture on its cover. His eight year old daughter had outlined the map of India in some corner of the weekly, in her never ending effort to perfect the art. He scratched it off right away, lest someone sees it, and thinks something more than what is to it.
(Shaik Zakeer Hussain is an independent writer and blogger)