By TCN News
New Delhi: Demolition of a masjid in Delhi’s Ghousiya Colony in Mehrauli has prompted Muslims to come under a single platform to fight for the restoration of the waqf land. Delhi Development Authority on December 5, 2012 stated the demolition of Ghousiya colony (Khasra No: 217, Mehrauli) without giving any notice to the inhabitants and on Dec 12th a four hundred year old masjid in the colony was also demolished, followed by many graves. Despite the continuous agitation of Ghousiya Colony Rehabilitation Forum (GCRF) no action was taken on behalf of the government.

To create public awareness regarding this issue and fight a legal battle a joint meeting of various organizations was organized by Social Democratic Party of India on Sunday. The meeting was attended by Dr .Mufti Mukarram Ahmed (Imam of Fatehpuri masjid) Hafiz Manzoor Ali Khan(Social Democratic Party of India ),Dr Zafarul Islam Kham (All India Muslim Majlis E Mushawarat) ,Dr Tasleem Rahmani (Muslim Political Council of India), Maulana Ansar Raza (Gareeb Nawaz Foundation), Yaseen Patel (Wahadat-e-Islami), Dr Basheer Ahmed (National President- All India Muslim League), Ansar ul Haq (Popular Front of India), Farooq Ahmed (Muslim Educational Trust),Mumtaz Ahmed Chawla, Maulana Asfaque (All India Imams Council), Anees uz Zaman (Campus Front of India), Mohamed Allaudin (Convenor- GCRF and Mohamed Tanveer (Co-Ordinator-GCRF).
A joint platform in the name of “Wakf Bachao Tehreek” was formed with the agenda to save the wakf properties by public awareness and legal process. Dr. Mufti Mukarram Ahmed will be the patron of the movement,General Convenor: Moulana Hafiz Manzoor Ali Khan,Convenor: Dr. Tasleem Rehmani, Maulana Ansar Raza, Yaseen Patel and Co-Ordinator: Mumtaz Ahmed Chawla respectively. The movement will organize various agitation soon if the Ghousiya Masjid is not rebuilt and the people of the area not rehabilitated.
The movement demands the Delhi Government to rebuild the Masjid and restore the graves immediately, Rehabilitate the colony dwellers and to stop the daily harassment by DDA and police officials and a judicial enquiry to punish the persons of DDA and police department responsible for the demolition of Masjid and disrespect to the graves.

A Jamaat-e-Islami Hind delegation in Ghousiya Colony on Sunday.
Meanwhile a fact-finding delegation of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind consisting of Mohammad Ahmad, Shafi Madani, and Er. Mohammad Saleem and led by Nusrat Ali visited the area on Sunday.
A 400 year old Masjid and colony demolished in Delhi by Delhi Development Authority